400 noeuds / 400 個結-藝術家詹芝婷個展
「400 」不只是一個數字,它是一個系列計算的單位,一個累積的開始,它同時也是一個經濟體系物件價值的概念。手工製造每條線與結所需投注的時間、工作過程中的精神禁錮、一條線所連結的兩個點、地、人之間的距離、這個結所影射的人與人間的交集相會…,藝術家從台灣代工家庭的童年與旅法求學經驗談起。
'400' is not just a number. It is a unit for serial calculations, a starting point for accumulation, and also an economic concept for evaluation of objects. The time invested in producing every string and knot manually, the state of imprisonment in the process of production, two points, two places, two people being connected by a string, the metaphorical connection with a knot between two people, …. Chan Chih-Ting tells the story of her childhood in a working-class family and of her art education in France.
開幕酒會及藝術家座談: 2008年4月12日(六) 3:00PM
展覽日期: 2008年4月12日~5月31日, 12th April – 31st May 2008
Address: 95 Chao-Zhou St., Da-an District, Taipei 10642, Taiwan
開放時間 Opening Hours : 週二至週六 Tue. – Sat. 10:00AM – 7:30PM