解密「戲箱」Unfold the Box
3/1(六Sat.) 14:00百里廳Barry Room
台原偶戲團藝術總監 羅斌
Robin Ruizendaal, Artist Director of Taiyuan Puppet Theater
《台原偶戲團》創團以來,致力於台灣傳統偶戲的保存、推廣及創新。該團製作人林經甫與布袋戲泰斗陳錫煌、漢學偶戲專家羅斌共同理出該團的創作原則,也就是對作品進行多層次的要求與探索,無論是編導監製以及每齣戲的戲偶、劇本、音樂等都必需是原創,因而發展出台灣傳統偶戲新的生命力。這次由台原偶戲團引燃的台法跨國偶戲合作「戲箱La Boite」作品,在上一次一月份熱熱鬧鬧的預演在TAV+結束後,引發許多迴響,本週台原偶戲團藝術總監 羅斌將為您解密「戲箱」,與您分享他們與國際接軌的創意經驗!
Taiyuan Puppet Theater performs traditional puppet theatre while finding new and creative ways to further enhance the beauty of this traditional art. Their working objective are together created by the producer Mr. Chin-Fu Lin, the puppetry master Mr. Xihuang Chen (age 75) and puppetry Sinologist, Robin Ruizendaal. No matter from the dramaturgy, scripts, and puppets in each play, or even music are original; they are trying to explore the different possibilities in order to bring a the new live to Taiwan traditional puppetry. “La Boite”, initiated by Taiyuan Puppet Theater, is an international cooperation of Taiwan-France puppet theaters. After the grand preview in TAV+ on January 26, 2008, it attracted a great amount of audience. This weekend, Mr. Robin Ruizendaal, Artist Director of Taiyuan Puppet Theater will be giving a talk titled UNFOLD THE BOX and share their creative experiences of the international exchange.